Aspen Hope Center addresses the need for mental health support in our communities from Aspen to Parachute. When you give to Aspen Hope Center, you help to fund crucial, life-changing,
life-saving elements of mental health care for those in need.
By contributing, you become a Beacon of Hope for the individuals we serve and their loved ones.
A gift of any amount is welcome and appreciated. Unless designated for a specific program, all donations will go toward our organization’s general operating account to support services and programs that span the mental health continuum of care from prevention through recovery:
24-hour HopeLine
School-based services
Mobile crisis response
Intensive Stabilization Program
Education and outreach
Donations can be made on this page or by calling 970-924-0703; or via mail with a check payable to Aspen Hope Center and sent to PO Box 1115, Basalt, CO 81621. Inquiries about underwriting and sponsorship opportunities can be made by calling 970-924-0703 or emailing
Aspen Hope Center is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.