Klare Swepston, MSW, SWC^Rifle Middle School Clinician
Klare Swepston, MSW, SWC
School-Based Clinician, Rifle Middle School
Klare was born and raised in Colorado and spent her time growing up between the Western Slope and the Denver-Metro area. She received her BSW from Colorado Mesa University in 2023 and continued directly into her MSW that she received in 2024. During her degrees, Klare interned working with the juvenile justice population in her bachelor’s and focused on working with individuals that experience substance use in her masters. She has focused on the use of polyvagal theory, cognitive restructuring, trauma-informed counseling, motivational interviewing and dialectical behavioral therapy, however Klare believes in lifelong learning and works towars developing her skills in other modalities. Klare has always had a passion for working with youth and being able to support families through genuine authentic connection and relationships.
When Klare isn’t engaging with professional development through looking at research or reading, she enjoys spending time with her partner and their dog Tucker. On her breaks and in her free time, she enjoys watching live music and sports, playing video games, traveling, getting outdoors, and returning to the Denver-Metro area to spend time with family and friends.