Sallie Bernard^Advisory Board Member

Sallie Bernard
Advisory Board Member

Sallie has been a board member of the Hope Center since 2013. She is the Board President of the James Kirk Bernard Foundation which was established in 2010 to honor the life of her son Jamie Bernard who died from suicide.

Sallie is the board president of Ascendigo Autism Services, located in the Roaring Fork Valley, which provides outdoor recreation, enriched community-based opportunities, and clinical services for children and adults across the autism spectrum. Sallie also serves on the board of SafeMinds and is an active member of the Cochrane Collaboration’s Consumer Network. She spent over 20 years in the marketing business before devoting herself full-time to non-profit work in 2005. Sallie resides in Aspen and enjoys Colorado outdoors.


Riley, MD^Crisis Supervisor


Sandy Iglehart^Board Member